How It Works – For Artists
Step One:
Register for a free profile
Step Two:
Pick a subscription type or try out our platform for free.
Step Three:
Upload your artwork. The cost of the lease is an annual 10% of the artwork’s market value, which is split between Svaaba and the artist
Step Four:
Once your artwork has been selected for hire, pack it safely and send off.
Join Svaaba Today!
Join Svaaba today and start promoting and showcasing your work. Our platform is ideal for artists looking to foster long term connections, as well as secure financial stability through their art. Our platform also allows artists to advertise exhibitions where they will be showcasing their latest work.

Svaaba offers a platform for members to showcase and promote their work online and at exhibitions.

Svaaba offers a monthly art hire rental service. Our artworks range from: paintings, to sculptors and prints.

If you have any questions about Svaaba, or how we can help, please read our FAQs page to find out more.